
Transform your home into a sanctuary that nurtures your dreams, supports your personal growth, provides a soothing balm for your soul, and energizes your overall well-being.

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according to Feng Shui

In recent years, our time spent at home has significantly increased, emphasizing the crucial role the quality of our environment plays in our overall health, prosperity, and mental well-being—as important as our diet, thoughts, sleep, and exercise.

Similar to the ever-changing facets of nature, the feng shui of any space evolves with its inhabitants. While the principles of feng shui are precise, their application in a space reflects the unique individuality of each person. Considerations such as architecture, existing furnishings, functionality, taste, and budget must be taken into account. However, achieving beauty, balance, and a harmonious flow of chi is always possible  and does not have to be "perfect" to be effective.

A home serves as a mirror to our soul. As both a coach and feng shui consultant, I am dedicated to guiding you through a transformative journey, ensuring that everything surrounding you—from your thoughts to your physical environment—is aligned with your most authentic goals and values. This holistic approach aims to co-create conditions that activate positive change on all levels of your being, removing barriers that may have blocked your progress and creating the change you're looking for.

What's stopping you from making changes?

Take it easy
...and just start!

Protect your energy source

Balance is the key. It's about removing excess and adding where something’s missing, igniting the positive life energy of qi. This concept underpins the ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui, dating back over 2000 years. Feng Shui incorporates the interplay of yin and yang energies and the five natural elements. Achieving the right mix and balance is what revitalizes both your space and personal energy.

We live fast paced lives, constantly juggling various roles and trying to meet our own and other’s expectations. This is why maintaining enough life energy is vital for a successful and joyful existence. Create the right environment for change and bring more energy, harmony, contentment and courage into your life.

I want my energy back

Boost your vitality and health

Good ventilation, fresh air, natural sunlight, indoor plants, tidiness, and a pleasant view from the window are just some of the crucial elements for fostering a healthier lifestyle. The lack of sunlight can disrupt one's natural body clock and sleep patterns, which are pivotal for overall health, longevity, mental clarity, and a positive mood. Each of these aspects plays a significant role in our well-being...

In today's world, our homes have become central to our daily lives. Whether working, attending school, chatting or engaging in leisure activities, much of our time is spent online. Take a moment to think about the environment you live in; this simple awareness can have a positive impact on your vitality and overall health.

I'm interested in a consultation

Eliminate stress and "Simply bee"

As you learn to work in harmony with your own "inner nature" and the natural laws that surround us, you'll attain the state of Wu Wei. In this state, you align with the natural order, functioning on the principle of minimum effort. The natural world follows this principle, and does not make mistakes. Mistakes are made— or invented— by humans, beings burdened with an overactive mind who disconnect themselves from the supportive network of natural law by interfering (thinking) too much and trying too hard.

Today there is a huge pressure for success, recognition, power and performance, but this only brings us permanent stress and frustration. So how do we achieve our goals without unnecessary effort? With Wu Wei, you are sensitive to yourself and your circumstances and listen to your own intuition. This way you do the right things with the right timing. And this natural way is the key to returning ease to your actions, eliminating stress and establishing a pure being.

Let's discuss it

How do consultations

... I ask, I listen, I perceive and I observe ...

Feng Shui is an open universe of possibilities to add life-giving energy to yourself and your space. It is a way of expressing and mirroring ourselves to the world around us. It is a return to our nature, simplicity and individuality. An inspiring, diverse and beneficial essence for our living and our lives. Would you like to join me on a journey of discovery and cultivation of your environment? To stir up the chi and give your life new energy and impetus for change?

Before we start

It all starts with a consultation (in person, online or over the phone). If the chemistry is good, I’ll outline the options, suggest a solution and give you an estimate based on the documentation provided.

Required documents:

  •     - floor plan of your apartment/house with the compass points noted

        - the year when the house was roofed (not a requirement)

        - your date of birth, including time and place of birth

        - the address of the apartment/house to evaluate the surrounding terrain


Analytical phase

For the analysis and activation of space, I employ the knowledge of the School of Form and apply the BA GUA technique (compass technique). To define auspicious and inauspicious directions and manage the dissipation of life-giving qi energy, I utilize the Ba Zha method. The calculation of space energy is performed using the Flying Star technique. Subsequent recommendations are determined through the harmonization of elements or adjustments in line with the analysis of the inhabitants.

To analyze the inhabitants, I employ the MING GUA technique, consider the GUA of the house, and explore their interrelationships. The 4 Pillars of Destiny can also be incorporated for a deeper understanding of each individual.

Proposal and recommendations

Suggestions and recommendations always reflect your individual needs and inner settings. They are based on analyses of your personality and your environment. I am not stating what is right or wrong, but rather what is related to what. You determine for yourself what you want to change. From me, you will learn the why and how.


I can provide advice on interior design and recommend suitable contractors for implementation. However, due to time constraints, I do not personally carry them out.

Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.

— The Dalai Lama