Break free and live

I am convinced that our reality is shaped by the thoughts we choose to believe, the words we use, and what we do every day.

Do you want to break free from your old, mental and emotional patterns, awaken your hidden potential, and rediscover your ability to enjoy life? Then you're in the right place.

I want to do something about it
  • "Thanks to Zuzka, I am rediscovering the joy and playfulness in my sporting career that I had when I was just starting out as a kid. She helped me ease the pressure and made the path to my goals fun again. I would recommend Zuzka, especially for her empathy and wisdom. She uses these qualities to create an ideal environment for chasing your dreams."

    Anna Serme,  professional squash player

  • "I've had an incredible, transformative experience through this collaboration, and as I move forward, I am no longer afraid and I'm ready to embrace whatever the future holds. I highly recommend her guidance, as life 'after her' will never be the same as 'before her'..."

    Marika Dúbravčíková, Senior IT Consulting Advisory, Sales Proffesional & Mentor

  • "Working with Zuzka has been instrumental in my personal and professional growth and I've learned to find value even in challenging situations. Zuzka's dynamic energy is engaging and thought-provoking. She asks insightful questions, sets multiple perspectives, and her focus on the goal keeps me on the right track and she genuinely shares the joy of my small successes"

    Lenka Pošvecová, Marketing Manager

  • "Zuzka supported me in my dream, which didn't seem realistic to those close to me. She  helped me understand that everything is worth trying if it’s done with the heart. With Zuzka, you immediately relax and realize that she knows what she's doing. I look forward to each session because she is not only someone who celebrates small victories with me but also helps me move forward."

    Petra Foktová,a happy mom on parental leave and a born organizer who enjoys painting for children

  • Zuzana always guides and helps me discover and unravel new insights. She never leaves things unresolved and never skims the surface. Instead, she goes straight to the core. She has shown me many times that I have the answers within me and that they are much closer than I thought all along. Working with Zuzka is like a gentle caress, and I wish everyone could experience it."

    Viktorie Kobásková, dance-movement therapist & coach, choreographer

What do you want most right now?

Choose your path!
What'll you start with?

Mental fitness

Just as our body needs regular exercise to keep it healthy and to cope with physical stresses, our mental fitness also need regular exercise to control our mind and emotions and thus cope with life's challenges without stress or other negative emotions.

Regular training will allow you to master your mind, emotions, and increase your mental resilience to confront the challenges of daily life. This not only leads to greater success but also increased happiness and satisfaction.

I'm interested

Coaching tailor-made

Even the best players rely on a coach to guide them, present fresh challenges, and provide motivation and inspiration for improvement.

My coaching encompasses the mind, body, and personal evolution. I'll guide you in altering your perspective on life, assist in identifying obstacles, and concentrate on the key objectives you want to accomplish. Together, we'll unlock your potential, allowing energy to flow so that your life has true value and you rediscover your ability to enjoy life.

Choose the style that suits you best.

Show my options

Coaching Club SimplyBee

Mental Fitness Club


Join our community of like-minded individuals with a common goal – reclaiming our ENERGY, JOY, and SUCCESS in these challenging times.

We believe in the power of collective strength. Together, we inspire, support, and uplift one another.

The Coaching Club serves as our guide for enhancing mental fitness and successfully managing our daily challenges.

We're kicking things off in the fall. Interested in being there from the start and becoming one of our founding members?

Sign up now, and we'll hold a spot for you!

I want to sign up!

Change is your

I'm afraid that...

I'm not ready for a change yet, or I need to get clear on what I want.

I'm hesitant

I'm going for it...  

I don't know WHAT yet, but SOMETHING has to change because I CAN'T go on like this.

Make an appointment

Mental fitness


anger, guilt, shame, insecurity,


empathy, creativity,

curiosity, insight, inner peace,


No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.

— Albert Einstein